Cepaim Foundation is a non-profit making NGO articulated in Third Sector of Social Action in Spain, Morocco and Senegal. Cepaim Foundation has a long track record in the implementation of programs in rural areas, highlighting the performance of integrated socio-labor integration with urban-rural territorial mobility itineraries, as well as training in agro-ecological crops and improving employability and empowerment of rural women and promoting coexistence and multiculturalism in rural areas.


Irene Almazán is project technician in the Rural Development and and Demographic Challenge Area of Fundación Cepaim. She holds a Double Degree in Translation and Interpreting and International Relations from Comillas Pontifical University and a Master’s Degree in Migration and Diaspora from SOAS, University of London. She has experience in migration, rural development and European affairs after working for two years at the Permanent Delegation of Castilla y León to the European Union in Brussels, working in various third sector organizations such as Action Against Hunger and volunteering in France, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Email: irenealmazan@cepaim.org

María García Tarancón is the national coordinator of the Rural Development Department of Cepaim Foundation, in this area are included different projects related to local development and revitalisation of rural areas. Specialist in labour relations, she has also received relevant training in diversity management, extension and rural development, international business management, working supportively with refugees and psychosocial tools to improve the employability of migrants. Currently, she coordinates the Nuevos Senderos Project (“New Paths Project”) in several  Spanish provinces for the social and labour insertion of immigrants in depopulated rural areas. She leads the teams in projects related to rural development at the national, regional and local levels, coordinating professional teams; doing the following up of methodologies, writing reports of projects; interacting with public administrations; and collaborating in a wide variety of platforms. She also coordinates other projects related to improving the employability of rural women or training in agroecology and agro-ecological entrepreneurship for rural people. Email: mgarcia@cepaim.org.

Adolfo Patón Monge is the Cepaim Foundation Regional Coordinator of Castilla-La Mancha and member of the department of European projects. He has a large international experience coordinating numerous projects including among others ‘Volontariato Tutto Tondo; Volontariato Tutto Mondo”; partnership with the Department of Youth Policies, City Council of Turin (2009), International Summer Youth Workcamps Program: Institute of Youth of Castilla-La Mancha, Department of the Presidency of the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha (2005-2009), ‘Eunomia: Best Governance in Europe through employment and social participation’: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Secretary of State for the EU (2008) and project ‘Speak Out! Reach Out! ‘, Youth in Action Program, partnership with Internationaler-Bund (Germany), ATPDSC (Romania) and CE.SIE (Italy): European Commission (2007-2009). Some of his official certificates are: Degree in English Philology; Expert in Leadership and Social Innovation in NGOs; University Expert Diploma in Professional Coordination and Management of Youth Programs and Services; University Expert in Management of Non-Profit Organizations; Trainer of trainers Diploma; Internal Auditor in Management of Quality Systems (ISO 9001). Email: adolfopaton@cepaim.org.

Carmen Ayllón is our Welcoming spaces knowledge broker working in the Rural Development area of Cepaim Foundation in Spain. She holds a BA in International Studies (Complutense University of Madrid) and a Master in International Solidarity Action and Social Inclusion (Carlos III University of Madrid). She has experience in Greece and Turkey in different projects related with migrations and she has worked in advocacy in the Greek Forum of Refugees (Athens) and Entreculturas (Madrid). Now she is based in Soria (Spain), one of the regions most affected by the devitalization and depopulation of Spain. She is interested in migrations, social movements and community organization. Email: carmenayllon@cepaim.org.