Call for papers on the legacies of forced migrations
Society Register would like to announce a call for papers on the legacies of forced migrations. The issue will focus on social, cultural, political and economic transformations brought about by forced migrations or displacements in different regions of the world. From the end of World War II to the present day, millions of people have been forced to flee because of armed conflicts, civil wars, border changes, violence, persecution, development projects, natural disasters, environmental degradation and trafficking of people. Forced migrations brought about multifaceted social change for people who left their homes, those who had lived with them before and for those who met them later.
We encourage you to send articles on the social, cultural and political legacies of forced displacements. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are welcome. The analytical focus may fall on recent displacement events and the long-term consequences of forced migrations in the past.
Submissions may pertain to the following topics:
- The consequences of displacement on the displaced and host communities
- Displacements and individual/social memory
- Social representations of the ‘displaced’ and ‘refugee’
- The protection of refugees
- Displacement and transformations of place, power and social ties
- Representations of displacement and forced migration in media and art
- Security and forced migration
We would like to invite you to submit your articles. The procedure is following:
The date for submission of the completed article is June 30, 2021. In order to submit the full paper authors must register on the “Society Register” webpage.
All papers will be subject to the Society Register review regime. The volume will be published in 2021. Please comply with the editing requirements of the American Sociological Association (ASA). While preparing your article please remember also about the Authors Guidelines. Shall you have any questions, feel free to write to Guest Editors:
Michał Nowosielski, Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw
Piotr Cichocki, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Expected date of publication: December 2021