Twin projects


MATILDE is a 3-year project funded by EU Horizon 2020, focusing on the impact of migration on the local development of rural and mountain regions. The project develops and tests a transdisciplinary conceptual and methodological framework for a multidimensional assessment of the economic and social impacts of Third Country Nationals.

The European project aims at the rethinking of the mountains and rural areas as unique and non-replicable territories for the well-being and wealth of the European continent . By involving 13 regions, the focus of the project is to spread the knowledge and awareness of the good practices existing in the peripheral areas of Europe, in order to build, with a spirit of sharing, a continent that knows how to benefit from this extremely underutilized heritage.


MIMY (EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions) is an EU-funded project aiming to improve the situation of young migrants throughout Europe. In order to derive evidence-based policy recommendations, the 13 multinational partners will examine the effectiveness of integration policies at the EU, national and local levels across nine countries (Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, UK, Hungary, Poland, and Romania) and 18 case studies. Most importantly, MIMY will put the experiences of young migrants at the centre of its activities by directly involving them as peer researchers through participatory research.


Whole-COMM is a three-year project funded by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, proposing an innovative Whole-of-Community approach to the analysis of the integration of post-2014 migrants in small and medium-sized towns and rural areas (SMsTRA).

Building upon and reaching beyond definitions of immigrant integration as a two- or three-way process the WoC perspective conceives of integration as a process of community-making: that takes place in specific local contexts characterised by distinct configurations of structural factors in terms of i) local economy and the labour market, ii) demographic composition and trends, and iii) levels of socio-cultural diversity and historical relations with migrant-related groups;
that is brought about by the interactions of the multiple actors – individuals, organisations, institutions and/or corporate entities – that shape the local community with their multilevel and multi-situated relations, networks, interests and resources; whose outcomes are open-ended and can result in either more cohesive or more fragmented social relations.