Report on best practices and lessons learned
The project “Investing in ‘Welcoming Spaces’ in Europe: revitalising shrinking areas by hosting non-EU migrants” (Welcoming Spaces), funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, has been implemented during four years in five European countries: the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Poland and Germany.
During the entire course of the project, intensive field research has been carried out to gain a further understanding of the reality of migrant integration in shrinking regions and to find so-called ‘welcoming spaces’. Furthermore, different activities, workshops and events organised within the project have sought to change narratives, foster dialogues and create meeting spaces. All this has entailed a process of continuous learning on the part of all the people who have been involved in the project and the
lessons learned are precisely what is reflected in this report, since we can all learn from others. With this report we also hope to leave a record of our own good practices within the project and give visibility to those initiatives, actions and approaches that we consider to be successful and worthy of being shared, replicated and transferred to other projects and regions by other stakeholders, practitioners, associations and other entities that are interested in working and doing research in the field of migrant integration in rural and shrinking regions.
We hope that it will inspire and spark new ideas for all of you. Please find the report here.